nae's beans
aelene - sorenn - kai - ren'li - monarch - an'ostin
lore adherant - no wol or wol-adjacent characters - pst - 21+ - sfw always - nsfw discussable - in game or discord threads - multipara - long term or short term
an'ostin wikvaya
race shetona pronouns he/him
age 138 height 5'6 sexuality pan
nameday 6th sun of the 4th umbral moon
birthplace yyasulani voiceclaim tbd
smells like earth, ozone, moss
relationship status single, poly
personality head in the clouds, private, observant, thoughtful, calculated
An’ostin (or Austin as many Eorzeans have gotten into the habit of calling him) called Yyasulani his home for over a century. He knew of a Tural before the Dawn Servant, and advocated for the peace that was brought with his reign. Once a fierce warrior, he lived a hunter’s life for eighty years, trading his yields with the south on behalf of his tribe for supplies not found that far north. An'ostin doesn’t speak much about why he came to Eorzea. He doesn’t talk a whole lot, period. He much prefers to listen to others speak and observe the room around him. He’s always been the quiet type with his head in the clouds. But he speaks with intention, and his words are often worth listening to.

kai yrshann
race rava viera pronouns he/him
age early 30s height 6'4" sexuality demi
nameday 21st sun of the 2nd astral moon
birthplace vanaspati
voiceclaim oberyn martell
smells like chai (cinnamon, cardamom, cloves)
relationship status dating, poly
personality quiet, stoic, soft spoken, polite, gentle, protective, loyal, humble, confident
kai was born to an offshoot clan of rava that had settled in the jungles of thavnair. one fateful day at the age of thirteen tragedy struck, causing kai to be the sole survivor of an attack from a group of sugriva. kai did the best he could alone in the jungle by following the green as he had been taught. he spent a few months as a beggar in palaka's stand up until a miqo'te seeker named Faraj came across him in his travels. after picking up various labour tasks for faraj the man welcomed him into his family, adopting him as his own. when he was old enough, kai enlisted with the radiant host eventually rising to the ranks of second sergeant. but when the sky fell, kai left the host for personal reasons.
ren'li molkot
race keeper miqo'te pronouns he/him
age late 20s height 5'8" sexuality pan
nameday 28th sun of the 2nd astral moon
birthplace gyr abanian border
voiceclaim niles
smells like pink pepper, rum, tobacco, vanilla
relationship status single, poly
personality impulsive, playful, childish, charismatic, laid back, aloof, outgoing, terrible with gil, lacking a filter
Ren’li was born on the Gridanian side of the border between the Shroud and Gyr Abania. He was raised by his father once he was old enough alongside a few of his brothers, one of which he’s still very close to now, Mikh’a. In his late teens he was recruited by X’Rhun Tia in his attempt to rebuild the numbers of the Crimson Duelists. He learned the craft fairly easily but he was a bit of an under achiever, not wanting to put too much effort into it. Once his training was concluded Ren’li followed his brother’s footsteps to Kugane to broaden his horizons. Ren and Mikh play music together. Ren’li sings and plays electric and acoustic guitar, while Mihk’a takes up the bass. Together they play a few gigs here and there whenever they manage to charm a manager of a venue to get a booking.

monarch aikawa
race raen au ri pronouns she/her
age early-20s height 4'9 sexuality demi
nameday 19th sun of the 6th astral moon
birthplace sui-no-sato
voiceclaim penelope featherington
smells like wood sage and seasalt
relationship status single, open
personality sweet, well mannered, quiet, awkward, cheerful, understanding, wise, naive, stubborn, independent
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